January 22-26, 2025



Bringing the love of Christ and the power of the Gospel to every corner of the world, options like Brazil, Europe, and North America are available. For more information, click below:


Preparing the way for God's glory to manifest in all nations.

Do your part and engage with the great commission

Equipping hearts and minds to transform nations with the love of Christ.

Let us embrace our identity and fulfill our calling. Let us together be those who will turn the world upside down (Acts 17:6) as we cooperate in the advancement of God’s Kingdom (Matt. 24:14) and prepare the way for the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ!

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Have you read in the scriptures all the powerful miracles that Jesus performed, right? Did they shock you? Amazed you? Then I have good news for you. The gospel tells us that in His Name we will do greater things! (John 14:12). That is so powerful!



16/07/24 TO 22/01/2025

$ 250.00 CAD

Collective accommodation on the school site, no air conditioning.

$ 350.00 CAD

Hotel in double room with air conditioning

Have you ever stopped to think about what is available to us who are in Christ? And that everything the world needs and longs for, we carry within us? Not only do people await the manifestation of the sons of God, but nature itself awaits us to grow in the understanding of who we are and what we have at our disposal. (Romans 8:19)


This year we will have the outreach that will take place from January 27 to February 7, 2025, you can choose one of the three options, but the final destination will only be revealed during school:

Mission Brazil – 200 CAD

Mission Europe – 650 CAD

North America Mission – 700 CAD

These amounts include the expenses with: Travel insurance, land transport, food and accommodation). Airline tickets are NOT included in this amount.

All part of the documentation for entry into the country of destination is also the responsibility of each student of the school.

It is not possible to participate in the outreach without having done the revival school.

Any questions contact through phone +1 (506) 898 3542 – Luis Silva.

From 13 years old, payment is in full
Children up to 6 years old are free of charge.
7 to 12 years old 50% discount

From 15 years old, under 15 years old
only accompanied by an adult

Yes, each room has a capacity for 6 people.

Yes, subject to availability.

Yes, all sessions will be translated.

Yes, free parking for all participants.

Accommodation, food (breakfast, lunch and dinner), all ministrations and all material for classes.

  • Bible and Notebook – study materials. 
  • Comfortable clothing suitable for the weather and activities. 
  • Bedding and pillow for a single bed. 
  • Bath towel and face towel. 
  • Personal hygiene products (soap, shampoo, toothbrush and toothpaste, etc.). 
  • Personal medications and first aid items. 
  • Comfortable shoes for walking and outdoor activities. 
  • Reusable water bottle. 
  • Sunscreen and insect repellent. 
  • Extra money for any additional expenses. 
  • Cushions or mats for outdoor prayer and meditation moments. 
  • Cell phone charger and extra battery. 
  • Snacks and non-perishable food for tasting during the day. 
  • Personal identification and any necessary documentation. 
  • Umbrella or raincoat. 
  • Backpack or bag to carry daily items. 
  • Fan.